What Are We to Believe About the Israel/Hamas War?

by Patrick Wyett

There are a gamut of opinions concerning Israel’s current military campaign in Gaza and a likely expansion of operations to the north against Hezbollah in Lebanon along with Iranian elements in Syria. What is the truth in all of this?

A popular slogan amongst assorted anti-Israel/pro-terrorism activists is “Free Palestine!” Bluster aside, no such nation has ever existed. Palestine is a derogatory name given to the land of Israel by the Roman Emperor Hadrian (76-138 AD) as an insult against the Jewish people, “Palestine” being the Roman word for the land of the Philistines, Israel’s ancient enemy. The Philistines no longer exist, God having eradicated them as foretold in Amos 1:8 and Zephaniah 2:5. It is interesting that Philistia, the area from which the Philistines once operated out of, is modern day Gaza.

The group of people today that refer to themselves as Palestinians are comprised of transplanted Egyptians, Jordanians, other Arab peoples, and nomadic Arab tribes known as Bedouins. Put them all together and you have a compilation of stateless people squatting on Israel’s land. I’ll get to the land ownership particulars shortly. Stateless peoples (Bedouins) exist in several nations in the Middle East.

I have spent time in Kuwait. There are citizens of Kuwait and there are separate Bedouin enclaves. Kuwaiti citizens avoid Bedouin areas, as expats are advised to do, because they are inherently dangerous places. Bedouins operate under their own rules regardless of law and maintain a general hostility towards outsiders. In part, this is why no other Arab nation in the Middle East wants to allow “Palestinian” immigration as they have enough stateless people problems of their own. Aside from this practical reason, hostile Islamic nations want to maintain a Muslim foothold inside of Israel for the constant security threat it poses. Consider this Arab proverb; “Me against my brother, me and my brother against my cousin, me, my brother and my cousin against the foreigner.” As you can see, strife is an ingrained cultural feature of Arabic life. The reason is biblical.

In Genesis 16:11, Hagar, an Egyptian, is pregnant with Abraham’s baby.

“And the Angel of the Lord said to her: “Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, Because the Lord has heard your affliction.”

Ishmael is the father of many Arab nations. Note what he and his ancestors’ characteristics will be:

“He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man, And every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” (Genesis 16:12)

This is an accurate description of the Arab inventor of Islam, Mohammad, and his satanically-inspired political/religious system which seeks total world domination. Jews (and Christians) are particularly loathed by Islam which declares that all non-Muslims are their mortal enemies. This is the catalyst for unending Muslim violence against Israel. Iran, which is obsessed with the destruction of Israel, funds and actively directs the terrorist group Hamas and other jihadist organizations across the Middle East. The name for the terrorist group in Gaza has been purposefully chosen. “Hamas” in the Hebrew language means violence. This word is found in the Bible.

“The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence [the English word “violence” being “hamas” in the Hebrew].” (Genesis 6:11)

As a show of goodwill in 2005, Israel decided to withdraw the security forces which it had maintained in Arab/Muslim dominated Gaza, giving local autonomy to that area. Along with this, all Jews were forcibly removed and relocated elsewhere. Elections were held in 2006, the choice for who would govern Gaza coming down to two options; Fatah, whose main tact of dealing with Israel was negotiation, and Hamas, whose charter and reason for being is the violent destruction of Israel. The people of Gaza voted in Hamas, after which Hamas proceeded to launch a civil war that drove Fatah out of Gaza. Hamas controls education, information and life in Gaza. Hatred for Jews is pounded into the people of Gaza, especially children. Kids are relentlessly indoctrinated to want to kill Jews and become martyrs. It is an endless cycle of today’s Gaza children becoming tomorrow’s Hamas terrorists.

There have been constant attacks against Israelis since Hamas took control of Gaza but none had rivaled the gruesome brutality and scope that took place on October 7th of 2023. If you are unaware of the atrocities that Hamas perpetrated on Israeli civilians perhaps you should do some research on the topic but be forewarned, what you will discover is sadistically horrifying. In this reality, the average western mind will struggle to comprehend how humans can do such things to other helpless humans. Only by understanding Islam’s malevolent, demonic hatred of non-Muslims does any of this make sense. I have dedicated a chapter to Islam in my book, “Darkened Pulpits: The History and Hirelings of Social Justice,” to provide a clear understanding of the history, methods and goals of Islam. (Available for purchase on this website)

Israel has been forced to finally come to terms that Gaza is a never-ending source of death and destruction so long as Hamas is in power. Therefore, Hamas must be utterly destroyed.

Some are hypocritically calling Israel’s war against Hamas a humanitarian crisis, as if Israel is to blame. The conflict could be ended immediately with Hamas’ complete surrender but Hamas isn’t concerned with civilian casualties, rather they welcome them. It is part of their military strategy to locate their fighters and weapons in or near hospitals, schools, mosques, orphanages and the like. Their purpose is to get women and children killed for propaganda purposes in order to gain sympathy for themselves and bring condemnation against Israel. Even with all the death and destruction that has come to Gaza because of Hamas, December 2023 polling conducted there indicates a majority of Gazans still support Hamas, its actions and goals. These are not innocent civilians, these are supporters, defenders and enablers of monstrous terrorism.

Maybe you’ve heard the accusation that Israel’s is committing genocide. This is a relatively new propaganda assessment that purposefully ignores the nature of war. Any nation at war does whatever it takes to win. During WW2, entire cities were laid waste by both sides, civilians and all. The brutal reality of war is that maximum death and destruction needs to be inflicted on the enemy until they either surrender or are annihilated. Every nuclear power has preselected enemy targets for attack. These specifically include civilian population centers. I don’t advocate this, I simply understand the reality.

Since the topic of genocide has been brought up by Israel’s detractors, it needs to be understood that genocide is precisely what is called for in Islam’s two holy books, the Quran and Hadith. All non-Muslims are to be forcibly converted, enslaved or executed. There are no exceptions. War in Islam is an ongoing process that has spread worldwide, whether there are official hostilities or not, whether properly understood by infidels or not. This war is known as Jihad and is the duty of every faithful Muslim.

Having now identified the so-called “Palestinians,” what is the history of the Jewish people?

“Now the Lord had said to Abram [later renamed Abraham]: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you [Canaan]. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)

God chose Abraham to start a nation. This nation of God’s chosen people would come through Abraham’s son, Isaac.

“Then God said: “No, Sarah your [Abraham’s] wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him.” (Genesis 17:19)

Notice that God’s covenant is everlasting; it has no expiration. God has made two different kinds of covenants with Israel, conditional and unconditional. A conditional covenant is God saying “if you, then I will.” An example is the Mosaic Covenant that God made with Israel, giving them His Law. God’s conditions were simple; obey and be blessed, disobey and be cursed. An unconditional covenant is characterized with God saying “I will,” without any requirements on Israel’s behalf.

This brings us to the foundational question of who today rightfully owns the land known formerly known as Canaan.

“I have also established My covenant with them [Israel], to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, in which they were strangers.” (Exodus 6:4)

God gave the land of Canaan to Israel four thousand years ago. Every relevant archeological discovery confirms this.

“The covenant which He [God] made with Abraham, And His oath to Isaac, And confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, To Israel for an everlasting covenant, Saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan As the allotment of your inheritance,” (1 Chronicles 16:16-18)

At different times God has removed Israel from their land because of great sin, and yet, He has always brought them back. Why? Because they are His chosen people and the land is theirs. The following prophetic verse warns those who would harm Israel.

“For thus says the Lord of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you [Israel]; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” (Zechariah 2:8)

Remember that in Genesis 12:3, God says that He will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. This applies not only to nations but individuals as well. Those that attack Israel by word or deed are in effect poking their fingers into God’s eye. What an extraordinarily foolish and dangerous thing to do.

As wicked as the United States has become, the only thing saving us from God’s wrath is that we have aided and assisted Israel, and thus God continues to bless us.

Israel today is very much like the United States; a largely secular nation, wicked in its rebellion against God. They will suffer in the coming days for their faithlessness and for their rejection of the Messiah but they will not be destroyed. The US has no such guarantee.

Israel’s main problem today is that they put their faith and trust in the United States and in their own military might rather than in God. When these things are taken away, and they will be, Israel will finally turn back to God in national repentance and accept Jesus as their Messiah. Then Jesus Himself will return to physically save His people. (Isaiah 63:1-6, Zechariah 14:1-4) The following End Times prophecy is particularly telling and warns against dividing up Israel’s land (as the Biden Administration is suggesting):

“I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land.” (Joel 3:2)

Some of the antisemitism today, especially amongst Christians, is premised on the idea that it was the Jews who killed Jesus. Here is the truth of the matter. The Jewish priests (and people) condemned Jesus, the Romans executed Him, but it was because of my sins and your sins that He came to die. We, all of humanity, are responsible for His death. We are the cause, the Jews and Romans being merely the method.

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

Whether Jew or gentile, salvation (eternal life) comes only by faith in Jesus Christ alone. This is the grace of God extended to all of humanity. As for Israel, they will survive as a nation no matter the seeming odds against them because God has ordained it to be so.

“And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.” (Zechariah 12:3)

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5 thoughts on “What Are We to Believe About the Israel/Hamas War?”

  1. This is an important topic! I’m glad you’re using your voice to speak the truth about what is happening to the Jewish people. Every Christian should be anxiously following the events in Israel today. After all, it’s God’s staging grounds. What is happening in and around Israel foreshadows God’s next move upon this sin infested world. Keep up the good work, brother! God bless you and your loved ones.

  2. This is excellent… Great job, very clear (as is your writing in general), so I hope this gets out to as many folks as possible! I also like that you give personal insights into that cultural context that line all the pieces up!

  3. Thank you, Patrick, for this excellent analysis. Spot on with the real history of the Middle East, religion, recent events, and most importantly the Word of God. I appreciate your biblical faithfulness.

  4. Another excellent read, Patrick! I am sharing this with everyone I know (Christian or otherwise). Thanknyounfor your scholarly works and fact- based analysis. Truth, as with Christ, will always prevail.

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